View: Will Quad become another toothless tiger?
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Has QUAD been overshadowed by AUKUS? And if it has been overshadowed by AUKUS, will AUKUS alone be able to control China in the Asia-Pacific?
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Has QUAD been overshadowed by AUKUS? And if it has been overshadowed by AUKUS, will AUKUS alone be able to control China in the Asia-Pacific?
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At a time when world is trying to recover from Chinese Virus, all eyes are at the outcome of Quad Summit & the success of this quadrilateral coalition. What are the expectations from QUAD and will it be successful in containing Chinese Aggression in Asia Pacific?
अफगानिस्तान की समस्या मानवता के सबसे बड़े संकटों में से एक है. वहां गरीबों के लिए स्वास्थ्य सुविधाएं नहीं हैं और महिलाओं के अधिकारों को आतंकवादी हर दिन कुचल रहे हैं.
As we can see the trends, the meet is likely to focus on three major issues- Climate Change, Covid pandemic and Afghanistan. There are many firsts with this session of UNGA. It is the first UNGA meet of Joe Biden as US President, it’s the first UNGA meet of its new president Mr Abdulla Shahid too, and it is the first physical meet since the pandemic swept the world.
It has been 20 years to 9/11 and a bloody war started by America consuming almost 10 lakh lives & over 8 trillion dollars. Yet was America successful in achieving its aim of eradicating Terrorism?
While we talk of Taliban’s forced takeover of Afghanistan, we often forget the circumstances & factors leading to their blitzkrieg victory over a better trained and equipped Afghan Army. The answer lies in the mindset of local people who not only aided Taliban but also facilitated surrender of Afghan Forces to them. I decipher the minds of a common Afghan citizen which led to the Taliban invasion to Afghanistan.
Governing Afghanistan is going to be a big challenge where a group of UN designated ultra-fanatic terrorists have established a regime. With poor economic condition, rapid growing drug cartels & no investments coming through, will Taliban be able to run the country?
Taliban has declared the office bearers of its government in Afghanistan. As expected more than 70% of the ministers are UN designated terrorists and there is no representation of ethnic minorities, women, or non- Taliban members. An ultra-fanatic regime is in power in Afghanistan. What is the current composition of new Taliban government and what will be the implications for the war torn Afghanistan.
Taliban is going to establish its governing council in Afghanistan but at the same time a much bigger threat is looming ahead. Afghanistan is facing critical food crisis owing to prolonged war, closure of land routes, stoppage of international humanitarian aid and a draught this year which wiped off nearly 40% of its crops. How severe is the crisis and will Afghanistan be able to sustain? Factors which were responsible for this crisis.